
Welcome! Welcome to the blog where everything begins with ‘e,’ even me!

Okay so maybe that was a bit corny, but my jokes suck and I’ve come to terms with the fact that’s just one of the many things that make up who I am.I’m also a student pursuing a dream while working my way through college. I have goals for my life but that’s not what this blog is about.

This blog is about the things I encounter throughout the everyday life of being a young woman in college that I have comments on. Granted this could be anything from a conversation topic to an actual event, but that’s okay. As a college student, I wanted a blog I could relate to but there aren’t that many of these out there. At least not that I could find. So here I am.

I hope you enjoy my posts. Find out more about me by scrolling through my endless amount of words, some of which begin with ‘e.’